There are many traditions and history surrounding the wearing of birthstones. Many people believe that wearing birthstones began as a marketing tactic by jewellery firms, but the rationale for the habit is far deeper than that. Wearing birthstones has significant religious and astrological roots.
Myths About the Practice
The Christian Bible has one of the oldest accounts associated with the habit of wearing birthstones. The Breastplate of Aaron is mentioned in the book of Exodus as being set with twelve precious stones: ruby, topaz, beryl, turquoise, sapphire, emerald, jacinth, agate, amethyst, chrysolite, onyx, and jasper. Each of the twelve stones represents one of the twelve Hebrew tribes.
Other ancient societies, including the Hellenics and Babylonians, connected specific valuable stones with their gods and goddesses and later with the planets and stars represented by astrological signs. These stones were endowed with astrological sign-related properties as well as supernatural, protective qualities. Wearing the gemstone linked with a specific month throughout that month invokes the protection provided by the stone's power.
As Christianity grew in popularity, the Church attempted to reduce the importance of astrology in the lives of its flock, and wearing jewels came to signify guardian angels and the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ instead. Nonetheless, the belief that gemstones can protect their wearer was maintained. However, because only the wealthy can afford to possess a particular gemstone for each month, most people have embraced the practice of wearing simply the gemstone that represents their birth month. These gemstones have since been referred to as birthstones.
The Meaning of the Stones
Here are the birthstones for each month of the Gregorian calendar and their meanings.
1. January.
The garnet is the month of January's birthstone. The garnet's brilliant red colour is associated with blood and was supposed to bestow good health on its wearer. The garnet is also thought to protect against nightmares and the perils of being alone in the dark. A person who favours the garnet is believed to be patient and able to tolerate adversity. This person, whose birthstone is garnet, is constant in their actions and has a creative intellect.
2. February.
Amethyst is the birthstone of people born in the month of February. Amethyst is claimed to bring the user tranquillity and clarity of mind, among other benefits. This gem also provides them with increased self-awareness and intuition.
3. March.
Aquamarine is the birthstone for people born in March. This stone is thought to instil kindness in its user, transforming them into fierce and faithful comrades and companions. Because of its sea-blue tint, aquamarine is believed to safeguard its wearer when swimming or traveling by water.
4. April.
The April birthstone is the diamond, the stone symbolizing strength, longevity, and innocence. Because the diamond is the hardest gemstone, it represents achievement and quality and is thought to bring good fortune. The diamond is also believed to bring forth the wearer's purity and to inspire them always to be truthful.
5. May.
The emerald, the gemstone of peace and healing, is the birthstone of persons born in May. Emeralds are thought to bestow good health and protection against illness on those who wear them. Emerald wearers are also considered to have more insight and the capacity to interact effectively with others.
6. June.
Pearls, which are generated by oysters and hence the only gemstones derived from a living thing, are the birthstone for persons born in June. Because June is the month of weddings in the Western world, the pearl has come to be connected with happy marriages as well as faith, loyalty, and peace of mind.
7. July.
July's birthstone is the sanguine ruby. The ruby is known as the gemstone of courage, strength, and life due to its blood-red colour. It is also claimed to instil in its wearer integrity and self-satisfaction. It is also stated that rubies inspire people to seek harmony with others.
8. August.
Peridot is the birthstone for people born in August. The peridot is thought to impart a heightened sense of dignity to its wearer as well as good fortune. It is also believed to shield its user from bad intentions and nocturnal terrors.
9. September.
September's birthstone is sapphire. It is a gemstone that is said to provide its wearer knowledge and clarity of intellect, as well as the discernment to recognize truth no matter how deeply it is hidden. The sapphire also motivates its wearer to cultivate inner serenity and tranquillity.
10. October.
Opal is the birthstone for October. The opal, with its various colours, is connected with emotional depth. Wearing the opal grants the wearer the ability to feel deeply for others, look at life with hope, and burn gently with an inner fire.
11. November.
Topaz, the birthstone for November, is a gemstone that represents both physical and mental health. Wearing topaz is supposed to improve a person's ability to repair their body after illness or injury. It is also said to foster practicality and innovation in those who wear it.
12. December.
Wearing turquoise, the December birthstone is thought to bring good fortune and prosperity in the next year. Turquoise is also believed to dispel negative energies that can stifle the wearer's happiness and good fortune.
The trend of wearing birthstones is more than just a marketing tactic. It is a centuries-old ritual with strong roots in religion and astrology. Birthstones are adaptable gifts that can be given at any time of year or for any occasion. Giving birthstones to loved ones demonstrates concern and affection.